
Industrial Applications of our Superinsulators VSIS

The main applications of VSIS are in the fields of thermal insulation relating to the many industries like:

  • construction : insulation of buildings, swimming pools, agricultural greenhouses etc.
  • transport & logistics : insulation containers or boxes for sensitive products (food, biomedical, vaccine etc.) requiring controlled temperatures
  • domestic and commercial appliances : freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners etc.
  • automobiles: specialty cars, trucks, buses etc.
  • aeronautical and space industry : insulation of aircrafts, rokets, capsules etc.
  • marine and submarine industry: insulation of compartiments,  safe suits etc.
  • military industry & firefighters 
  • biomedical, scientific or specialty devices
  • sport industry : extreme sports and polar exploration
  • civil protection: insulating costumes, tentes, sleeping bags etc. in case of natural disasters or for homeless
  • fashion : insulating clothing or bags etc.